New ECMWF Seasonal Forecast (hindcast) Ensemble dataset
Posted on March 12, 2004 (Last modified on October 19, 2023) • 1 min read • 190 words
New ECMWF Seasonal Forecast (hindcast) Ensemble dataset
In support of the COAPEC Thematic Programme the BADC has extracted
ECMWF Seasonal Forecast ensemble data. These data are also known
as "Hindcasts" as they are forecasts run retrospectively.
The dataset includes monthly means, maxima, minima and standard
deviations for the available surface variables for the period
1987-2001 (with 2002 onwards currently being extracted). Atmospheric
variables are only currently available as monthly means.
There are 33 parameters held on surface or single levels including
winds, temperatures, heat fluxes, radiation, precipitation and soil
moisture. Geopotential, Temperature, Specific Humidity, Relative
Vorticity and Divergence are available on pressure levels.
The data is held on a regular 1.875 x 1.875 degree grid in GRIB format.
For each month there are six forecast months archived, with 5 ensemble
members for 10 months of the year, and 40 ensemble members in May and
November of each year.
The data is now available to BADC users as part of the main ECMWF
Operational archive with documentation located at:
Further documentation on the seasonal forecasts is available at the
following ECMWF links:
BADC Support.
12th March 2004.